Monday, September 08, 2008

'Ave it...

So... this week I finally discovered mountain biking. Here I am, flying through the air on my new £ 5,000 mountain bike.

Actually it's not me. It's some bloke called Stewart from t'internet. I'm running late here and searching for a photo, so old Stewey boy will have to do.

But it does kind of sum up the exhiliration I felt zipping through Woburn Forest's off road tracks in the rain and mud of Sunday morning with my Team MK mate Graham Mackie.

Several of the guys (and girls) from Team MK go off-roading in the winter season to keep their cycling skills up to scratch and to take a break from the dreaded turbo trainer. Needless to say I've got the bug and am looking out for an inexpensive mountain bike on which to join them. I'd have more success searching out Lord Lucan, me thinks.

Training has been better this week... not too much but increasing steadily and my mojo is returning, though it's still - I think - on its annual holiday to wherever mojos go for their vacations.

The 'Mojove' Desert maybe?

Monday - no training
Tuesday - 1km open water swim
Wednesday - 5km run
Thursday - 10km run, 1 hour Team MK swim session (pool)
Friday - no training
Saturday - no training
Sunday - 1 hour mountain bike, 3km run, gym work

Fellow Ironman Gabriel started blabbering on something about doing press ups and sit ups every day for 100 days. So I've decided that for the next 100 days, I'm going to do 100 sit ups, 50 press ups and 50 weights bar curls to keep my core strong. This will be in addition to general training.

Busy at work, busy in life, Fiona busy, Erin busy, Alice busy... frankly, we're all busier than the Mayor of Busy on National Busy Day. This week should see my latest commercials 'put to bed' leaving me free to finish off my film treatment. I'm thinking about taking a week away to focus in on it and get it finished. But then again, I'm thinking of not doing that too...

My mate Andy Fulbrook from Wellington, New Zealand correctly identified last week's film quote as being from GONE WITH THE WIND and being spoken by RHETT BUTLER played by Clark Gable.

And this?

"One from the vaults... Don't be upset. It was a mercy killing. He had a certain naive charm, but no muscle."

A clue - it was a spoken line from a musical.

Ironman UK took place yesterday and what a nightmare of a race it seems to have been. Tough, tough, tough. It didn't stop some great performances from the Team MK athletes so congratulations to all who took part, you know who you are. Big, huge, massive Kona-sized congrats to Mark Booth, though, our Team MK top athlete, who secured a place at the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii with his fantastic third place in age group performance at IMUK.

'Ave it, Boothy... 'Ave it...


Anonymous said...

I have two friends who love fast, woodland mountain biking. One of them has just recovered from a fully dislocated shoulder and the other I went snowboarding with who had just recovered from having snapped both of his wrists coming off his Mountain Bike. Great sport though, if you dare....

runtilyoudrop said...

Blabber blabber.